Sunday, February 18, 2007


Life's a lot different than what we get to see on celluloid. The greased masks, the emotions, the candyfloss, the glitterati, the papparazzi...are unlike our plain lives, wound in vicious circles of life and circumstances. It's all as false as scintillating its apppearence is.

We're draped in an altogether unknown silkened fabric, our sentiments and thoughts woven with an incredible flowing thread. The irony of it all is, knowingly or unknowingly, we relish this superficiality, this stupendous act of glamour n glitz of silverscreen, the vanity. We love to see the extremities of behavior of characters meeting up at some plot. No shades, just blacks and whites.

Heroism scaling unmounting heights and vices to no limits. The vigour, the virility eludes us to no extremes.

We try to imitate, to follow their seducing ways. We idolise them and worship like they are some Gods with ulti mate lethal strength of erotica and power of sexuality. We lose count of the times we'v laughed with them, cried, felt powerless, found our chests swollen up with pride seeing their nobility and seen glimpses of our own facets in their portrayal.

1 comment:

Dew drops said...

hey deepika..truly said..we just lose our originality and our gud virtues in the garb f superficiality...we jus frget tht we may be much bttr thn thm..but we visualise thm as standards...and tht is wat eludes us frm achieving wat we we shud stick to pstve side..just fr inspiration i mean..