Thursday, December 25, 2008

Reflections when I look at life in rear mirror(1)

Courage's not d absence of fear but the acknowledgemnt dat smthg els's more important.

Courage, as I think it to be, is not only overcoming doubts n fears, or how strong I stand by my principles but also to be able to comfort sm1 in turmoil n let them know that I'll be thr, come wt may.

Courage's not about me...its about my convictions. I know wt it feels like to be thwarted in your face and shown the way out. I know of the times when u'd stand 2 your conscience of not giving bk 2 the hurt u've got nd be called crazy.Bt do not let that take away frm u wt it takes 2 be you!

In these times of tribulation, when the valor of the Heroes in us will be put 2 test, I pray to God that May He gv us all the Courage to be truly us, human us nd to stick n stand by each othr!! Amen....

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