Sunday, April 15, 2007

Parting Ways Finally....!!!

Through this post, I reminisce the older days...days spent with friends in college, my Alma Mater...

Aye, it is painful to go through a parting.
Bidding ‘adios’ to a loved one departing.
Ah! So lamentable becomes the ‘parting’ aura
That one gets engulfed in a dismal plethora
Of thoughts originating in beautiful reminiscence
But climaxing instead in a dreary sense.

Repeated counting of passing days, counting hours at night.
Observing them moving quickly, enshrouded in dread and fright.
Every talk pregnant with sentiments – concealed and veiled.
All thoughts emulating pikes: each heart being impaled.
This is how the feelings swell, when loved ones separate.
Actuating in hearts a mutiny, rendering distrust in fate.

But doesn’t love, in separation, shed its shroud?
Shining like the Moon, shredding the veil of cloud.
Consider this, that abject sorrow and dismal gloom,
Are fertile lands, where harvest of ‘love’ does bloom.
And when hearts beat in unison, even when they be far,
Their bonds turn iron, which even time wont mar.

1 comment:

Dew drops said...

hey ...loaded one i must say...feeling so much fr ur alma mater nd ..and the beauty f thoughts is jus amazing..hats off!!